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Saturday, August 8, 2009

I had a blast today! I got up early this morning and called a friend to come and check my amp. I bought a keyboard recently and some additional things; an amp and a stand. I got a ride to work with the friend. Work was boring actually because I didn't have much things to do. I had to do things to make it fun. A young man strikes up a conversation & then we talked about different things concerning the Church and God. He ended up buying me a drink for my birthday when he was ready to leave. I was like Wow, never met him before. I left work and visited a friend of mine who is a missionary based in Switzerland. Had a great time there chatting with him, his mum and dad as well. Left there and headed to voice training. Got there early as usual and then the rest trickled in afterwards. Caught the van just in time so it saved me having to wait a half hour or more for the next one. As I got home I crashed in bed. My brother called me to find out if I wanted to go to golf. I had not been to golf in years so I took on the challenge. What a challenge it was for real! I had so much fun. My stomach is 3/4 full and I am sleepy. I prayed and read the bible earlier in the day from Proverbs 15. You could read it as well. I got a chance to connect with old friends this morning. The unexpected surprise of the night was a birthday cake I found on my bed in a white box. I turned the light on and there it was. Wow. I was so surprised initially and I'm still surprised. My name is on it as well, how sweet.

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